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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Angelina Eye Center the leading provider of vision care products and services in Lufkin.

Nathaniel Robinson, O.D.

Dr. Nathaniel Robinson has been practicing Optometry since 1992 and joined Angelina Eye Center in 1999.

He received his Optometric Doctorate from the Southern College of Optometry in Tennessee. He Graduated with Magna cum Laude in 1991.

He is a Therapeutic Optometrist and is a certified Optometric Glaucoma Specialist. He is a member of the American Optometric Association, the Texas Optometric Association and the Sabine Optometric Society.

Keith Hancock, O.D.

Dr. Keith Hancock joined Angelina Eye Center in 2002. He is a native of Lufkin, TX, and he received his Bachelor’s Degree from Stephen F. Austin State University. He received his Optometric Doctorate from the University of Houston College of Optometry.

He is a Therapeutic Optometrist and is a certified Optometric Glaucoma Specialist. He is an active member of the Beta Sigma Kappa Honor Society, the American Optometric Association, the Texas Optometric Association, and the Sabine Optometric Society.

Aron Hughes, O.D.

Dr. Aron Hughes, a native of Lufkin, TX, joined Angelina Eye Center in July of 2015. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Louisiana at Monroe and his Optometric Doctorate from the Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, TN.

Dr. Hughes is a licensed Therapeutic Optometrist and a Certified Glaucoma Specialist. He is a member of the American Optometric Association and the Texas Optometric Association.

Daniel Hooton, O.D.

Dr. Daniel Hooton joined Angelina Eye Center in July 2021. He received his Bachelor’s Degree with honors from Florida College and his Optometric Doctorate from the University of Houston College of Optometry.

Dr. Hooton is a licensed Therapeutic Optometrist and is a certified Optometric Glaucoma Specialist. He is a member of the American Optometric Association, the Texas Optometric Association and the Sabine Optometric Association.

Shelby Robinson, O.D.

Dr. Shelby Robinson joined Angelina Eye Center in July 2022. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Stephen F. Austin University and his Optometric Doctorate from Mid-Western University of Optometry.

Dr. Robinson is a licensed Therapeutic Optometrist and is a certified Optometric Glaucoma Specialist. He is a member of the American Optometric Association, the Texas Optometric Association and the Sabine Optometric Association.

Front Desk

Front desk staff have a variety of duties, including receptionist skills on all levels, such as answering the phones, checking patients in and out of the office. Charts are assembled and prepared for the schedules each day. All calls come through the front desk and are directed to the specific areas by our staff to efficiently take care of all issues.


The assistants are a critical part of the team, working with the doctors to ensure many details of the patient’s care. They do the preliminary testing, acquire the case history and relevant background information.

They assist the Doctor with contact lens work, training, and keeping up with the inventory. The assistants do the diagnostic tests which are ordered by the Doctors. They are an essential part of our very busy office, working both with the Doctors and the patients on an ongoing basis.


Management staff works to coordinate the various departments, as well as filling in with different areas of operation as needed. The team works together with the Doctors and support staff to streamline and conduct day to day operations, as well as provide direction for specific issues.